Found 3 clinical trials
Inductive Camrelizumab and Apatinib for Patients With Locally Advanced and Resectable Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma
After tumor hypoxia, high expression of VEGF will induce tumor cells to express programmed cell death protein-1 (PD-1), which further leads to immune escape. Targeted drugs against angiogenesis can relieve immunosuppression to a certain extent, and theoretically have a synergistic effect with anti-PD-1 immunotherapy.
- 19 Feb, 2024
Intestinal Flora Research Plan for Critically Ill Patients
More and more critically ill patients have improved early survival, they have been suffering from organ damage and inflammation for a long time, which is called chronic critical illness (CCI). Among CCI, persistent inflammatory response-immunosuppression-catabolic syndrome (PICS) is a special type of chronic severe disease, and immune paralysis is its …
- 19 Feb, 2024
MRI Angiography of Physiological and Pathological Pregnancy Placentas Ex-vivo
The development of its vascular network occurs in the first trimester. Any deficit during this important angiogenesis procedure can lead to the dysfunction of the placental vasculature, which can potentially cause pathologies including preeclampsia (PE) and intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR).
- 19 Feb, 2024