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Found 123 clinical trials
Advanced Sensor Based Functional ASsessmenTs in Axial Spondyloarthritis

This is an observational study using IMU sensors to measure the effects of biological therapy on spinal mobility and function in axial spondyloarthritis. Participants will undergo MRI scans before and after therapy in parallel to the sensor tests to establish correlation between changes in inflammatory signs and changes in spinal …

MRI Scan
biological therapy
axial spondyloarthritis
  • 19 Feb, 2024
Attentional Performance in Parkinson Disease

Participants may have functional and structural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). MRI uses a strong magnetic field and radio waves to take pictures of the brain. During the MRI, participants will lie on a table that slides in and out of the MRI scanner.

attention deficit
nervous system disorder
neurologic findings
  • 19 Feb, 2024
Better Delineation of YY1 Related Phenotype and Epigenetic Signatures.

The aims of this study are first to better delineate the clinical phenotype, as well as the neuropsychological profile, and the brain MRI characteristics; and, second, to study the epigenetic signatures in a cohort of individuals with YY1 intragenic pathogenic variants.

  • 19 Feb, 2024
Maternal Obesity and Offspring Neurodevelopment

To test this hypothesis, the investigators will recruit normal-weight and obese pregnant women, examine inflammatory markers associated with obese pregnancy, and correlate them with offspring's brain development evaluated using quantitative MRI methods and outcomes evaluated using neurodevelopmental tests.

  • 19 Feb, 2024
Layer-specific Contribution to Consolidation of Skill Learning in the Primary Motor Cortex

Participants may have 2 magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans of the brain. During the MRI, they will lie in the scanner. The scanner makes noise. They will get earplugs. Participants will have behavior testing.

  • 19 Feb, 2024
GFAP Auto-immunity : a French Cohort Study

GFAP-IgG detected in serum or in cerebrospinal fluid, by tissue-based assay and confirmed by cell-based assay, are associated with encephalitis or meningoencephalitis of acute or subacute onset, less frequently with myelitis or optic disk edema. The characteristic MRI feature is brain linear perivascular radial gadolinium enhancement in the white matter …

  • 19 Feb, 2024
Impact of Hypothalamic Gliosis on Appetite Regulation and Obesity Risk in Children

BEAM is a multi-site longitudinal cohort study of hypothalamic gliosis, central regulation of appetite and weight gain in children. Participants will be recruited from the community in the greater Seattle and greater Baltimore area. All participants will consent to enroll in the 24-month study during which they will complete 5 …

  • 19 Feb, 2024
ICG Fluorescence Imaging in Trauma Patients

This will be a prospective observational trial to better understand the range and variation associated with bone/soft tissue perfusion in fracture patients and examine the relationship between perfusion, measured using quantitative Indocyanine green (ICG) fluorescence and complications such as surgical site infection (SSI), persistent SSI, and fracture nonunion.

fluorescence imaging
closed fracture
wound care
fracture care
  • 19 Feb, 2024
A Closed-loop Brain-computer Interface for Stroke

It may be hard to acquire stable sensorimotor rhythm from the affected motor cortex for patient without a response of paretic hand. A few studies suggest two ways to approaching closed-loop therapy: peripherally extracting the residual signals, for example electromyogram (EMG) at proximal muscles (deltoids) and centrally extracting the activity …

  • 19 Feb, 2024
Systematic Assessment of SARS-CoV-2 Neurotropic Capacity in Modestly and Critically Ill Patients and Patients Who Died From COVID-19

This study is to analyze the microglia reaction or direct neurotropic effects of CNS COVID-19 in pathogenesis and brain stem dysfunction in critically ill patients. A microglia-focused, brain-specific 50+ marker CODEX panel is used to assess the neuroinflammatory microenvironment in specific brain regions of deceased COVID-19 patients. The peripheral (cerebrospinal …

  • 19 Feb, 2024