Change in the Ratio of Mean Platelet Volume (MPV) to Platellet(PLT) in Covid-19 Pneumonia Patients

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    Gaziosmanpasa Taksim Research and Education Hospital
Updated on 19 February 2024
acute respiratory distress syndrome
blood test
acute respiratory distress


Morbidity, mortality and progress depends on systemic inflammation especially in ARDS patients. Previous studies claims that the proportion of mean platellet volume to platellet which can simply be determined with simple blood tests that are performed at admission, might predict the mortality in ARDS patients. Covid-19 pneumonia has a very similar clinical outlook with ARDS. Therefore we decided to research whether that proportion is legitimate for detecting the progress of Covid-19 pneumonia or not.


Covid-19 pneumonia is a spesific disease dispate its similarity to ARDS. There are nomorous of studies that MPV/PLT ratio can predict the mortality, morbidity and the progress of ARDS. Depending on the similarity of ARDS, MPV/PLT ratio might predict the clinical progress of Covid-19 pneumonia. We retrospectively recruited150 patients admitted to our institute -a tertiary center- with Covid-19 pneumonia to our study. Clinical based defining research, by March-May 2020, the patients over 18 years old who were in either intensive care or ward scanned retrospectively. The laboratory tests, chronic diseases , age and gender has been collected from the written resources and electronic data retrospectively.

the patients who are diagnosed with Covid*19 pneumonia will be divided into two groups. The ones in the ward will be considered as mild clinical course, and the ones in the intensive care unit will be considered as severe clinical course. there will be an additional non Covid individuals as a control group, which will consist 52 patients each. The ratio of MPV to PLT will be calculated using admission hemogrames of these groups, and the significance of the statistical differences on determining the prognosis of the disease will be discussed.

Gpower 3 for Mac Os (Faul, F., Erdfelder, E., Buchner, A., & Lang, A.-G. (2009). Statistical power analyses using G*Power 3.1: Tests for correlation and regression analyses. Behavior Research Methods, 41, 11491160.) was used for istatistical power analysis.It was done using ANOVA test between at least two independent groups. In order to provide enoughsample magnitude power, which is 0.8, it was calculated that each group should have 52 patients which makes at total of 156.

The normal distribution of data will be evaluated using Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. Parametric ones will be used in normal distrubitions, non-parametric ones will be uused in abnormal distrubitions. Between the independent groups, MPV/PLT ratio will be calculated using ANOVA test. Categoric data will be compared by Pearson ki square test and the p values less than 0.05 will be considered as significant.

we aim to have an opinion about Covid 19-pneomonia prognosis at the admission of hospital.

Condition Coronavirus Infection
Age 18-70 years
Treatment observation of covid 19 pneumonia
Clinical Study IdentifierNCT04408378
SponsorGaziosmanpasa Taksim Research and Education Hospital
Last Modified on19 February 2024


Yes No Not Sure

Inclusion Criteria

Patients over 18 years old who hospitalized with diagnosis of Covid-19 pneumonia between march and may 2020

Exclusion Criteria

Under 18 years old patients
Patients with heamolytic diaseses
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