Extracorporeal Blood Purification as a Treatment Modality for COVID-19

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    Zan Mitrev Clinic
Updated on 19 February 2024
ct scan
acute respiratory syndrome (sars)


Several studies have suggested a potential clinical benefit of controlling hyper inflammation triggered by SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19. Blood purification, the removal of excessive proinflammatory mediators may control disease progression and support clinical recovery.

For this purpose, COVID-19 patients might benefit from treatment with AN69ST hemofilter based extracorporeal blood purification.


COVID-19 disease progression is associated with dysregulated immunity, commonly referred to as cytokine storm, in particular, aberrant Interleukin (IL) 6 levels that promote numerous pathological downstream effects. Hyperinflammation is a well-established trigger of multiorgan failure, for example, acute kidney injury. Moreover, recent reports point to a link between hyper inflammation and COVID-19 induced coagulopathy as a result of increased production of clotting factors by the liver.

Despite several lines of evidence pointing to a potential clinical benefit of controlling hyperinflammation triggered by COVID-19, management of COVID-19 remains mostly supportive built around continuous respiratory support.

To this end, considering the underlying immunological character of COVID-19 disease and the high risk of SARS-CoV-2 hyperinflammation to trigger ARDS, hypercoagulability and Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) this study aims to monitor selected biochemical, immunological and coagulation parameters in combination with radiological imaging to guide clinical practice and to tailor therapy consisting of 1) early initiation of blood purification using the oXiris (AN69ST) filter, 2) systemic heparinisation and 3) respiratory support

Condition COVID19
Age 18-100 years
Treatment Extracorporeal blood purification using the oXiris® (AN69ST) hemofilter
Clinical Study IdentifierNCT04478539
SponsorZan Mitrev Clinic
Last Modified on19 February 2024

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