Immune Profiling of COVID19-patients Admitted to ICU

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    Hamad Medical Corporation
Updated on 19 February 2024
coronavirus infection
serologic test
acute respiratory syndrome (sars)


SARS-CoV-2 is the novel coronavirus responsible for COVID-19, coronavirus disease 2019. This new coronavirus was first detected in Wuhan, China in late December 2019. According to WHO, the incidence rate of COVID-19 is prominent among adults and elderly people, reaching so far >2 million cases globally. Meanwhile, confirmed death cases reached >126 thousands of reported cases in 185 countries and still increasing. We anticipate that immunological differences among COVID19-infected patients might be a reason behind the variation of patient outcomes. Therefore, we intend to investigate cellular and humoral immune responses of COVID19-positive patients, and we claim to discover new indicators of patients' prognosis. Our target population includes three categories of patients staying at ICU, HMC (COVID19-positive vs. COVID19-negative vs. healthy control). Throughout their ICU stay, multiple blood samples will be screened for leukocytes surface markers, leukocytes' production of certain molecules, and circulating cytokines/chemokines/checkpoint inhibitors. Their plasma/serum will be used as well for immune proteomics, metabolomics, and other serological tests. Such parameters can provide the more comprehensive status of COVID19-infected patients at infection onset, during treatment intake, and at recovery or relapse stage. Following analysis, the main prospective outcome of this study is to identify the most reflective markers of COVID19-positive patients' outcomes.

Condition Covid 19
Age 18-100 years
Treatment No intervention
Clinical Study IdentifierNCT04473131
SponsorHamad Medical Corporation
Last Modified on19 February 2024


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Inclusion Criteria

Admitted to ICU for suspicious COVID-19
Signed consent form

Exclusion Criteria

Immuno-compromised or immuno-deficient patients
Diagnosed with any immunological disorders, cancer, and onco-hematological diseases at the inclusion date
Patients under treatment or treated within 5 years before inclusion or at the end of chemotherapy within the 6 months prior to inclusion date
Patients under any immune-suppressive medications, antibody therapy, corticosteroids, bone marrow transplant under the last 6 months of inclusion
Unsigned consent form
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