Reconstruction of Atrophic Maxillary Ridges Using Mandibular Blocks With and Without Coverage Using Collagen Membrane

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    Cairo University
Updated on 19 February 2024


Is the use of collagen membrane on top of particulate bone mixture covered by onlay bone block in Maxilla better than the use of mixture of particulate bone covered by onlay bone block without the use of collagen membrane, in terms of bone quality and bone quantity?


Soft tissue dehiscence could result due to flap irritation as a result of, closure under tension, intraoperative or postoperative recipient site infection, postoperative edema, which in turns compromises stability of onlay bone blocks thus osseintegration of bone block. Any attempt of bone recontouring and resuturing fails since there is no vascular bed. Ideal requirements of barrier membranes are, they should be biological compatible, they must act as a barrier membrane, unwanted fibroblasts should be hindered from entrance while allowing diffusion of nutrients, tissue integration (biological adhesion), tissues should be able to grow into the membrane but not through it. Space maintainer, it should be sufficiently stiff, so as not to collapse into the underlying particulate bone under the pressure of soft tissue and it should be ease in its manipulation, adaptation and handling, as for example, collagen membrane. Some types of collagen membrane, contain some degrees of stretchability.

Condition Bone Augmentation
Age 18-100 years
Treatment Onlay bone block covered using collagen membrane, Onlay bone block without collagen membrane
Clinical Study IdentifierNCT04462575
SponsorCairo University
Last Modified on19 February 2024


Yes No Not Sure

Inclusion Criteria

Patients with maxillary residual alveolar bone height not less than 8 mm
Alveolar bone width from less than or equal 5 mm
Both sexes
At least missing single tooth
Previous Failed Implants
Previous Failed Grafting

Exclusion Criteria

Heavy smokers more than 20 cigarettes per day
Patients with alcohol abuse
Patients with narcotic abuse
Patients with bone disease that may affect normal healing, example; hyperparathyroidism
Patients had radiotherapy and chemotherapy in head and neck
Patients had neoplasms in sites to be grafted. 18
Patients with Metabolic diseases uncontrolled diabetic patients, Glycated hemoglobin (Hb A1c) more than 7 mg\dl
Pregnant females
Patients with Para functional habits, apprehensive and non-cooperative
Bone pathology related to the site to be grafted
Psychological problems, stress situation (socially or professionally), emotional instability, and unrealistic patients' expectations
Intraoral soft and hard tissue pathology
Systemic condition that contraindicate implant placement
Under the age of 18 years
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