NCI COVID-19 in Cancer Patients NCCAPS Study
- Recruiting
- participants needed
- 2000
- sponsor
- National Cancer Institute (NCI)
This study collects blood samples, medical information, and medical images from patients who
are being treated for
I. Characterize patient factors, such as pre-existing comorbidities,
II. Describe
III. Evaluate the association of
I. Future correlative biomarker objectives will include
II. Future correlative imaging objectives will include
III. Collection and banking of research blood specimens and radiological images for future research.
Patients undergo collection of medical information about
Condition |
Age | 18years - 100years |
Treatment | data collection, Biospecimen Collection |
Clinical Study Identifier | NCT04387656 |
Sponsor | National |
Last Modified on | 19 February 2024 |
How to participate?
Additional screening procedures may be conducted by the study team before you can be confirmed eligible to participate.
Learn moreIf you are confirmed eligible after full screening, you will be required to understand and sign the informed consent if you decide to enroll in the study. Once enrolled you may be asked to make scheduled visits over a period of time.
Learn moreComplete your scheduled study participation activities and then you are done. You may receive summary of study results if provided by the sponsor.
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