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Learn moreHow long is the study?
Time (months, number of visits, length of visits) . . .
What is the purpose of the study?
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Why should I join a clinical research study?
Thousands of people volunteer to participate in clinical trials every year. The reasons for participation vary, but all of them help to advance medicine. Some reasons include:
What are the risk of study participation?
Risks . . . informed consent
What is a clinical research study?
Clinical research studies are used to show if/how a investigational drug works and to find out if it is safe. They can also be referred to as clinical research trials. Qualified healthcare professionals run clinical studies. The doctors and other healthcare providers are responsible for the study-related care of the people that participate (or enroll) in these studies. Clinical research studies are a mandatory part of the process that leads to health authority review and approval which is required before a drug can be marketed.
Independent committees (called Institutional Review Boards or IRBs) are made up of medical and nonmedical people who also watch over clinical research studies to make sure that the people who enroll are properly and adequately informed and consent to study participation.
What is a placebo?
An inactive substance or treatment that looks the same as, and is given in the same way as, an active drug or intervention/treatment being studied.
How long is the study?
Time (months, number of visits, length of visits) . . .
What is the purpose of the study?
Study purpose . . .
Why should I join a clinical research study?
Thousands of people volunteer to participate in clinical trials every year. The reasons for participation vary, but all of them help to advance medicine. Some reasons include:
What are the risk of study participation?
Risks . . . informed consent
What is a clinical research study?
Clinical research studies are used to show if/how a investigational drug works and to find out if it is safe. They can also be referred to as clinical research trials. Qualified healthcare professionals run clinical studies. The doctors and other healthcare providers are responsible for the study-related care of the people that participate (or enroll) in these studies. Clinical research studies are a mandatory part of the process that leads to health authority review and approval which is required before a drug can be marketed.
Independent committees (called Institutional Review Boards or IRBs) are made up of medical and nonmedical people who also watch over clinical research studies to make sure that the people who enroll are properly and adequately informed and consent to study participation.
What is a placebo?
An inactive substance or treatment that looks the same as, and is given in the same way as, an active drug or intervention/treatment being studied.
Complete this brief questionnaire (approximately 5-10 minutes or # questions) to determine if you /your infant / your child are eligible to participate in this clinical study and be referred to a site recruiting in your area.
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