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8. Sign-up as a Volunteer

The user can sign up as a volunteer and receive email notifications when there are clinical trials available that suit their interest. The option to sign up as a volunteer is available at different places

  • Click on 'Sign up as volunteer link'.


  • The user is landed on the page, volunteer registration can be done.

  • The user can either signup for

  • Myself
  • Someone else

  • Choose signup for 'Myself'.

  • Enter 'Your name', 'Email'.
  • Select 'Gender', 'Year of Birth' and 'Enter location'.


  • The user can either

  • Have a medical condition

  • I'm a healthy volunteer

  • Choose I have a medical condition

  • Select the condition from the dropdown. The dropdown is searchable as well. The user can select multiple conditions
  • Select the race from the dropdown.
  • Select Ethnicity from the dropdown.


  • Select the checkbox that says 'I am at least 18 years old. WCG and its affiliates may contact me about information related to research studies. I understand that my data will be treated in accord with WCG’s privacy policy.'

  • Select the Captcha

  • Click on 'Register as volunteer' button.


  • A confirmation message appears for successful volunteer registration.
