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4. Add Private Notes

Annotations is a way to explain terms by adding a note or comment to that text. The intention is to make clinical trial information easy to understand for the end user. The process of annotations is easy where user can,

  • Highlight and annotate
  • Send their questions to the research team
  • Get the information and understand the content

Types of Notes

  • Private notes
  • Public notes

Getting Started with Private Notes

When the user lands on the study detail page, a small gif appears, indicating to the patients about the annotations and how it is done. They can click on "Got it, Thanks" and start annotating the content.


4.1 Steps to Add and Share Private Notes:

Add Notes

  • Select the text from the summary / description / details / eligibility questions on the study detail page which you want to annotate.


  • A pen icon appears on the right which when clicked opens a text box where you can add annotations and save it.


  • Similarly, you can add more annotations to the trial content.

Edit Notes

  • The notes added by the users can be edited by clicking on "Edit" link.


Delete Notes

  • The notes added by the users can be deleted by clicking on "delete" link.


  • If there are annotations (public) already added for a term, these will also appear under study annotations.

  • The annotations added by the users appear in the toolbar present at the top.


Share Notes

  • The annotations added by the users are private till they are shared with anyone from the research team.

  • Click the send button to start sharing the annotations with the research team.


  • A link will be generated along with the passcode (valid for 7 days).

  • There is an option for 'copy to clipboard' which when copied can be shared with the research team via any text message, email etc.


  • The receiver on the other end is able to access the annotations only when passcode is entered.



  • The member from the research team can reply back to the user queries by clicking on the reply button, entering the nickname and sending.


  • If the user (sender) edits the shared annotations, the same content is reflected from the receiver's end as well and if the annotations are deleted, the receiver is not able to view them anymore.

  • The annotations added by the users can be accessed in the workspace toolbar that appears at the top.

7.2 Public Annotations

Public annotations are specific to a person who can do it. There is a 'Navigator' that can add the public annotations for the trials that are assigned to them.

Add public notes

  • The public notes are added by "Navigator" by logging-in to their tenant.

  • They can select the trial for which they want to add the public notes.

  • Annotations added by the Navigator for a study become public for the end users when they land on the study detail page.

4.3 Definitions

If there are any available definitions for the terms on the study detail page, a toggle button is present which when toggled to right highlights the terms in blue indicating a definition is present for that term. When the user clicks on any of that term on the study detail page, a popover appears on the right with a definition for that term along with a link to wikipedia in the same popover. The link on clicking can take the user to the wikipedia page of that term.
